I am Investing $10k, Join Me in Investing in Cadi's Future.

July 12, 2024

Dear Cadi Community,

I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you. I am personally investing $10,000 in this round of funding for Cadi. As the Founder and CEO, I believe in Cadi's mission and our vision for the future. Not only am I participating in this round, but I also aim to be one of the biggest investors.

At Cadi, WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. There is one class of shares. Both the founders and investors have the same type of share, and we only get paid out on an exit. We are all working diligently towards an exit sooner rather than later.

If you are considering investing, here are several reasons why I continue to invest in Cadi:

  1. Commitment to Success: It is my duty to ensure Cadi succeeds, and I want to make my commitment clear. I believe an investment in Cadi will outperform all my other investments, so I am liquidating assets to invest more into Cadi.
  2. Strategic Relationships and Opportunities: We have cultivated relationships and opportunities that will enable us to either exit or scale significantly in the near future.
  3. Protecting Share Value: I want to take action in this round to limit any dilution of my shares and ensure we all benefit from Cadi's growth.

Thank you to everyone who believes in Cadi. Your support means everything as we continue to innovate and grow. The investment round ends tomorrow, July 12th.

Cadi to the MOON!

Best regards,

Tyler Gottstein
Founder & CEO, Cadi

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