Cadi, Inc - Why Every Golfer Should Choose CADI: 3 Compelling Reasons!

June 7, 2024

Dear @cadicommunity,

I wanted to share with you three compelling reasons why every golfer should choose CADI for their equipment needs.

Autonomously Try Before You Buy: With CADI, you can autonomously try out clubs right on the course at your favorite golf location. This unique feature allows you to experience the performance of different clubs in real playing conditions before making a purchase.

Free Exchanges to Try Every Brand and Specification: We offer free exchanges so you can try every brand and specification available. This flexibility ensures you find the perfect club that suits your game without any additional cost.

Guaranteed Best Price with Dynamic Pricing: CADI guarantees the best price through our dynamic pricing model. As clubs get used, their price decreases, ensuring you always get the best deal possible.

We believe that all golfers can find the perfect club by trying clubs on the course or range and getting real-life feedback. With CADI, you can buy what you love for a good price and return what you don't. No questions asked.

If you live in Seattle, you can try CADI kiosks at Jefferson Park Golf Course or Interbay Golf Center.

We are committed to providing the best golfing experience by combining convenience, variety, and value.

As a final note, we invite you to invest in CADI. Join 2,300 other investors and own a piece of the best way to buy golf clubs.

Thank you for choosing CADI. We look forward to enhancing your golfing journey.


Tyler Gottstein


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